Strategic Priorities

We were asked as a group to consider what was key in driving us to agree upon a vision for our school.

We created a list of statements that we felt reflected the ethos of our school and then we wrote a poem together, both are shared below.

Excellent behaviour throughout the school and beyond – polite, good manners etc
School feels positive and calm
Children are happy, focused and enthusiastic about being in school
There is a feeling of mutual respect to everyone
Everyone follows the same rules
Everyone is clear about expectations – behavioural and procedural
Happy, confident children who are willing and ready to learn.
All members of staff working together to achieve our shared goals
There is time to spend with every child
there are opportunities to meet individual needs
No excuses
Children feel included
everyone has friends
everyone feels good about coming to school
all children feel safe & secure in their school environment
Our School

This is the reason why you feel a warm and welcoming hug as you enter our school, helping you to feel safe and secure.

The air is filled with a positive buzz of energy, bursting with enthusiasm and excitement.

It’s why you bounce through the doors and can’t wait to share everything that’s whizzing around your amazing brain.

You know you will be spoken to with respect, instilling a confidence to stand up for what you believe in.

This is the reason you are driven to ask those challenging questions, knowing that your curiosity will be embraced.

It’s why you see smiles reflected in the faces around you, brightening days and bringing comfort when times are hard.

Branches of friendship grow and develop, with a wise supportive arm to guide you through the twists and turns.

This is the reason you know your hand will be held by a trusting kindness, recognising how much you are valued and loved.  

This is our school.


We were asked to think about what our ideal school learning experience would be like and came up with the following list.

Less worksheets so there is more using the brain.
Atmosphere that is productive and exciting.
Children taking ownership of their learning.
Asking questions that they have the time and energy to answer.
Fit, healthy children, full of questions, making links between subjects.
Building the schema in the brain.
Transferring knowledge between subjects.
There is time to teach everything that needs to be covered
Children enjoy every lesson
Children are inquisitive about their learning which is led by passionate & inspiring teachers
Engaged learners.
All children achieve their full potential
No limits
No excuses
Ability to go on trips, have school visitors etc in without worrying about costs for parents.
More funding so we can enable –
More equipment for the children to enjoy
Curriculum resources
IT equipment to enable staff to fulfil their potential
More staff for 1-2-1 tuition with pupils

My Day Renewed

My day begins with an energetic run

Pushing myself to go further is so much fun,

Energised, focussed, I’m ready to learn

An enthusiastic teacher I get in return,

Open ended questions inspire me to think

The chance to collaborate helps secure the link,

Being immersed in vocabulary with a goal to succeed

Empowers my mind with the tools that I need,

Practising skills ensures my foundations are strong

Challenges make me resilient for when things go wrong,

By the end of the day my knowledge has grown

I’m inspired, enthusiastic, eager for more to be shown,

Instilled in me is a love to learn more

Tomorrow, recharged, I will be back through the door!


We were asked to think about our wider school community involving parents, carers, governors and all the other people around our school that give their time and experience to help our school flourish in so many ways.

Parents and governors are enthusiastic about and a actively involved in the school community
Parents provide additional wider opportunities
Parents feel they make a difference to the school
Everyone in the school community is happy & feels valued
Children want to learn more outside of school
No excuses.

Our Community Tree

We are a beautiful, tall evergreen tree, standing proud at the heart of our community.

Deep at the roots, energetic, enthusiastic staff work hard to provide the knowledge from which the tree grows.

They collect the nutrients from the soil to enrich the children’s hearts and minds.

The school is the strong, sturdy trunk, supporting the weight of the branches above.

This safe place has stood firm for many years, providing shelter and protecting all from life’s storms.

The branches that grow from this trunk are our parents, carers and governors, providing the vital support needed for the leaves to grow.

They twist and turn, providing a unique pathway that aspires to always reach higher.

The many beautiful leaves that grow upon these branches are our wonderful children, with each leaf developing their own imprint and breathing life into the tree.

The branches bask the leaves in sunshine, the trunk holds them high and the roots provide encouragement; together giving them the best opportunity to grow.