Heads Up Training

During the past year the school has been working with a wonderful company called Heads Up Ltd. The purpose of asking an external company to come into school and evaluate every area of our educational provision, from the decor of the toilets to how well the staff interact and how engaged our pupils are, is to ensure that we are constantly striving to make our school experience as outstanding as we possibly can!

We have already begun to implement the recommendations for changes to our building by updating the children’s toilets and adding carpet to areas to soften noise. As a staff we have met with the Heads Up team to explore and better understand each other, why we have chosen to work in education, what we want to deliver to our pupils, and how we strive to overcome the challenges each day at school brings.

Our sessions with Heads Up helped us to agree on our Mission statement and Vision for the school but it also gave us a unique insight into our thought processes and an opportunity to develop and discuss what came out of those processes.

Ordinarily the work that is done in training sessions is left with the participants or filed away after the core aim of the training has been successfully completed. However, we would like to share our work on those sessions with you. We hope this will give you a better understanding of how our school staff think and feel about working in school and just a glimpse of how committed they all are to providing the best educational experience for every child in our school family.

As a team we wanted to create both a Vision and a Mission Statement for the school and Heads Up helped us to break these tasks down to ensure we had a clear path towards our goal. Below are links to the stages we went through and the work we created in those stages.

Strategic Priorities – this includes our thoughts on the Ethos of our school, Provision of our learning both practically, physically and emotionally, and our wider Community wishes.

Value Narratives -this part of the training required us to think of the lives of everyone in school and what we as an organisation are trying to acheive with our way of delivering the learning experience. We want to develop the parts of our provision and to create a holistic approach to all we do. We broke this down into five areas:- Risk Taking, Connectedness, Recognition, Creativity and Safety.